Sunday, November 22, 2009
Become a Friend of Women's Service Day
One way Women’s Service Day encourages connection among participants (besides the interaction that occurs among work crews) is during breakfast, where everyone comes together before heading out to their assigned tasks. But this year the connection extended to the virtual world.
While volunteers have always been invited via e-mail to participate in Women’s Service Day, this year the planning crew tapped into social media networks. Now through a group on Facebook (called Women’s Service Day), it’s easier for participants to invite their sisters, mothers, daughters, coworkers, friends, and partners to join the event. And, the planning crew will continue to use this blog to communicate about the event.
Women's Service Day began in 2002 when a few women at Herman Miller--passionate about serving their community--volunteered to work on a Habitat house for a single mother. The group blossomed into a team of 50 women—more than one Habitat house could accommodate. Every year since, the planning crew has organized a day of volunteering specifically for women, establishing the following goals:
--To make a difference in our community—and have a great time doing so
--To increase awareness of issues for women and children in the West Michigan community
--To promote networking among women in our organization and community
While 93 women signed up this year to serve 12 non-profit organizations in West Michigan, one-third of them were caregivers, students, stay-at-home parents, self-employed, or worked for other organizations beyond Herman Miller. Social networking yields results!
The group also raised $1,000, which was donated to Holland Free Health Clinic, an organization that facilitates access to health care for those in need in the Holland-Zeeland community. And they donated a heap of clothing and supplies to Women's Resource Center in Grand Rapids for low-income women embarking on job interviews or reentering the workforce.
Next year, the planning crew hopes to expand its network even further. Do you know some women who would like to participate? Have them sign up online and we'll be sure to send them an e-mail invitation when it's time to register!
Friday, October 2, 2009
Thanks for all the energy and enthusiasm! A great day.
With the silent auction and raffle, we also raised and donated $1,000 to the Holland Free Health Clinic (if you missed the event, you can go to their web site to make a direct donation) and collected about 10 boxes of clothing and personal care products for the Women's Resource Center in Grand Rapids.
We love planning this event; we love even more seeing good things happen. It's lovely to know that we're here to help each other--a true community!
If you've got stories from the event you'd like to share, we'd love to hear them. Participants will receive an e-mail shortly asking for feedback, but you can also post your stories here.
Friday, September 25, 2009
A final wrap-up of the plans for the day
We look forward to seeing you for Women's Service Day, October 1.
- We request a $5 donation for breakfast, and we'll hold both a silent auction and a raffle, so bring some cash!
- We'll also be collecting donations for Women's Resource Center of Grand Rapids; follow the link to an earlier blog post for a complete list of what they're requesting.
- Plan to bring work gloves (and rubber gloves if you prefer to use them for indoor cleaning), and dress to accommodate a variety of tasks since you will be randomly assigned to your crew.
- Many tasks are better tackled with closed-toed shoes, so we don't recommend sandals or flip-flops; please plan to wear (or bring as back-up) a pair of close-toed shoes.
- We ask crews to lunch on their own (some prefer to snack and work through to early afternoon). If you prefer to carry your own lunch, please do!
We're looking forward to serving our community with you!
Here's what the day will look like:
8:00-8:15 a.m.
Plan to arrive at Hope Church between 8-8:15 a.m. The church is centrally located at 77 West 11th Street in Holland (between River and Pine Avenues, just south of downtown Holland and west of Centennial Park).
Drop off your donations for Women's Resource Center just inside the door.
Check in at the Welcome Table, pay for breakfast (donation of $5.00), and buy your raffle tickets ($1 each, 6 for $5, or 14 for $10).
Draw your table number, which will also indicate your crew assignment.
Distribute your raffle tickets among the artwork donated by talented women and/or bid on the silent auction items.
Go to the table number you received and meet your crew and agency representative.
8:30 a.m.
Help yourself to the breakfast buffet and network with your crew while you wait for the raffle drawing results.
9:30 a.m.
Adjourn with your crew to your work site.
Remember to take along a crew assignment card from your table, as well as an apple and granola bar for a snack at your work site.
Plan to have lunch with your crew and wrap up by 3:00 p.m. However, feel free to stay at your work site as long as you desire.
Silent Auction and Raffle Information
Many talented women from West Michigan have donated their crafts for the silent auction and raffle. Proceeds will go to Holland Free Health Clinic. If you forget to buy your raffle tickets at the door, you can still buy them from a Women's Volunteer Day crew member during breakfast. Please bring check or cash for the raffle and silent auction, as we cannot accept credit cards.
Women's Resource Center Donations
We'll collect donation items for Women's Resource Center in Grand Rapids, which offers professional wardrobe advice and clothing to low-income women to help improve women's workplace and economic opportunities. Through the Working Women's Clothes Closet (WWCC), the Women's Resource Center provides a source of high quality clothing and accessories they need for job interviews or to reenter the workforce. See this earlier blog post for specifics about what they can use.
Contact Information
If you have a last-minute change in plans (sickness, business crisis, etc.) and are unable to participate--or just need directions--please contact the planning team by e-mailing womensserviceday (at) gmail (dot) com. See you October 1!
Thursday, September 24, 2009
The Bumper Crop of Raffle/Auction Goods
This set of two pillows is handcrafted by Cathy Brooks of "Small Dot" textile by Maharam, Luna textiles, and many other choices classified as "customer's own material" (which, in the furniture industry, means they're cool).

Kathy Stanton donated this 9-by-20-inch digital image, created from a digital photograph. It's called "Crayon Colored Hills."

Kathy Stanton also donated this larger image, also digitally created from a photograph. Sixteen-by-twenty-inches in size, it's called "Beach Walk."

We're delighted to support the Holland Free Health Clinic when so many need its assistance. Please come to Women's Service Day ready to roll up your sleeves, but also ready to open your checkbook or wallet (no credit cards, please).
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Raffle and Silent Auction Contributions
So bring your checkbook and wads of cash (no credit cards, please)! It's for a good cause, and we've got some great items.
This necklace was made by Sally Kibler of fused glass, wrapped in sterling silver.
This felted bag was made by Barbara Loveland; it's part of her "Heart Felt" collection.
Kim Harris VanderLende donated this oil painting on gessoed paper, framed in rustic wood. It's called "River View at Oxbow" and is 8 by 10 inches.

Another fused glass piece with sterling silver, this orange necklace is handmade by Sally Kibler.
This red felted bag was made by Barbara Loveland; it's part of her "Heart Felt" collection.
Mary Jo Campbell hand-painted a set of four 18.5 oz. wine glasses. Each has a retro flower motif and, on the base, a different quote: "I feel a sin coming on," "I love not camping," "Born to be wild," and "Medicated and motivated."

This stained glass panel was made by the Women's Service Day Planning Crew, under the able direction and with the invaluable assistance of Sally Kibler. It's in shades of pink and purple and includes a chain for hanging.
Sally Kibler also made this fused glass pendant with sterling silver.

Waltraud Beckmann created this blown-glass vessel in vibrant yellow, red, and orange. It's five and half inches tall and six and a half inches in diameter.
We have a few more items still coming in, so check back for more images and evidence of creativity!
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
New Agencies, Extra Details
And we're ready to say more about the recipient of the proceeds from the silent auction and raffle, too. The Holland Free Health Clinic provides health services to the poor and uninsured in our community. They provide or coordinate prescription medication, diabetic supplies, and dental and eye care for folks at or below 200% of the federal poverty level who have no health coverage from any source. They've just published their mid-year report on services, which shows that the number of new applicants seeking services has increased 50% each year for the last two years.
We're happy to support this good work, with the support of artists and craftswomen who donate their work for the raffle and auction, and then the support of participants who come prepared with their wallets and checkbooks. (Please note we're not able to accept credit or debit cards.)
Can't wait for October 1! Check back for photos and descriptions of the raffle and auction items.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
To Register If You Didn't Get an E-Mail Link
Once you've registered, we'll have your e-mail address on record and can communicate with you via e-mail until and right after the event--and keep you informed for next year, too.
If you've stumbled on this site and aren't sure what we're talking about, peruse this summary and then the blog archive: Women's Service Day is an annual event for women over 18 in the Holland/Zeeland area to serve women and children through a day of service with local agencies. We also learn about the work of local nonprofits, network with other women, and have a lot of fun.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Agencies We'll Support on October 1
- 70x7 Life Recovery, a new agency for us this year
- Center for Women in Transition
- Community Action House
- Evergreen Commons
- Girls on the Run
- Good Samaritan Ministries
- Lakeshore Habitat for Humanity
- Holland Rescue Mission
- Hospice of Holland
- My Sister's House, an adult foster care facility sponsored by the Holland Deacons' Conference
- Ottawa County Health Department
- Clothing (clean and in good condition) that's needed: Suites, dresses, dress pants, blouses, shoes, dress coats, jackets, purses, accessories, skirts, pant suits, and new nylons, especially in size 18 and above.
- Items needed for job seekers: Resume paper and envelopes, "Forever" postage stamps to mail resumes, pens and pencils, week-at-a-glance planners, The Rapid bus passes, gas station gift cards, cell phone minutes, donations of talent or cash for car repairs, shopping bags (in good condition from "nicer" department stores) of all sizes, and personal care products including unopened tampons (no baby or children's items, of course).
- Items needed for client classes: Meijer gift cards for refreshments, pizza gift certificates, projector for computer classes, computer speakers and/or headsets.
If you have any questions, you can post them here or you can e-mail the planning team (at womensserviceday at for a personal response.
Hope to see you on October 1!
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Join Women's Service Day on Facebook
If you're not a Facebook user, of course, we're not the only thing you're missing out on. But everyone decides for herself whether to put a toe in that technological water....
Monday, June 15, 2009
Announcing the 2009 Women's Service Day!
Women's Service Day began in 2002 when a few women—passionate about serving their community—volunteered to work on a Habitat house for a single mother. The group blossomed into a team of 50 women—more than one Habitat house could accommodate. Every year since, we’ve organized a day of volunteering specifically for women, reaching a record 149 participants!
You may have known it as Women’s Volunteer Day. We’ve changed the name because, after all, it’s not about who we are but about what we do. It's an opportunity for you to offer your time, skills, and talent to nonprofit organizations in the Holland/Zeeland area, to increase awareness of issues for area women and children, and to network among women in our community.
In the past, we’ve cleaned and organized, painted and finished, landscaped and weeded, cooked and baked, washed windows, assembled lesson plans and materials, organized and led after-school activities for middle school girls, and made cards for families with loved ones who are terminally ill or living in nursing facilities.
This year, Women’s Service Day will be on Thursday, October 1. The day begins at 8:30 a.m. with breakfast at Hope Church in Holland, where you’ll be assigned a task for the day. Participating on work crews and sharing a meal as a group are fun ways to meet new people and make connections. You’ll start your volunteer assignments around 10 a.m., working for 4-6 hours and having lunch on your own as a crew. Participants will be limited to first-registered, first-served, and you must be present at breakfast to get your assignment.
You're already on our mailing list if you've participated before (and haven't changed your e-mail address) or if you or someone else told us you'd like to participate. Please help us expand our community network by inviting your sisters, friends, mothers, grandmothers, aunts, daughters, partners, and colleagues (aged 18 and older, please); just let us know their names and e-mail addresses.
We'll send a registration e-mail later this summer, but for now, save the date! And if you'd like to chat with us or other participants before the event, post comments here or join our Facebook group--just search for Women's Service Day (Holland/Zeeland) and ask to join.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Date Set for 2009 Event: October 1
We're also going to start a Facebook group to make it easier to stay connected with folks who may have changed e-mail addresses, and to make it easier for people to spread the word to their networks. While we started this event with Herman Miller employees, we opened it up last year to women across the Holland/Zeeland community with good response; we're hoping for even more this year.
If you're new to the Women's Volunteer Service Day, check out the archive to read about last year's event. And stay tuned! We hope to see you on October 10.