Wednesday, August 19, 2009

To Register If You Didn't Get an E-Mail Link

If we have a current e-mail address for you and we know you're interested, you should have received a message today with a link to the registration form. But if you've virtually moved or we've misplaced you (these things do happen), here's a link to the registration form.

Once you've registered, we'll have your e-mail address on record and can communicate with you via e-mail until and right after the event--and keep you informed for next year, too.

If you've stumbled on this site and aren't sure what we're talking about, peruse this summary and then the blog archive: Women's Service Day is an annual event for women over 18 in the Holland/Zeeland area to serve women and children through a day of service with local agencies. We also learn about the work of local nonprofits, network with other women, and have a lot of fun.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Agencies We'll Support on October 1

We can hardly believe it, but our Women's Service Day now appears right around the corner! We're firming up plans with the participating agencies, and thought you might want to know who we're serving:
We're also collecting donations for Women's Resource Center in Grand Rapids. They help to improve women's workplace and economic opportunities through assistance in preparing for job interviews or to reenter the workforce. Their Working Women's Clothes Closet (WWCC) offers high-quality clothing and accessories--and all donations are tax deductible. Here's what they need:
  • Clothing (clean and in good condition) that's needed: Suites, dresses, dress pants, blouses, shoes, dress coats, jackets, purses, accessories, skirts, pant suits, and new nylons, especially in size 18 and above.
  • Items needed for job seekers: Resume paper and envelopes, "Forever" postage stamps to mail resumes, pens and pencils, week-at-a-glance planners, The Rapid bus passes, gas station gift cards, cell phone minutes, donations of talent or cash for car repairs, shopping bags (in good condition from "nicer" department stores) of all sizes, and personal care products including unopened tampons (no baby or children's items, of course).
  • Items needed for client classes: Meijer gift cards for refreshments, pizza gift certificates, projector for computer classes, computer speakers and/or headsets.
You can imagine yourself getting ready for an interview for a job you'd really like, and then imagine what you'll use to get ready, wear, and carry with you. Those are what's needed!

If you have any questions, you can post them here or you can e-mail the planning team (at womensserviceday at for a personal response.

Hope to see you on October 1!