We look forward to seeing you for Women's Service Day, October 1.
- We request a $5 donation for breakfast, and we'll hold both a silent auction and a raffle, so bring some cash!
- We'll also be collecting donations for Women's Resource Center of Grand Rapids; follow the link to an earlier blog post for a complete list of what they're requesting.
- Plan to bring work gloves (and rubber gloves if you prefer to use them for indoor cleaning), and dress to accommodate a variety of tasks since you will be randomly assigned to your crew.
- Many tasks are better tackled with closed-toed shoes, so we don't recommend sandals or flip-flops; please plan to wear (or bring as back-up) a pair of close-toed shoes.
- We ask crews to lunch on their own (some prefer to snack and work through to early afternoon). If you prefer to carry your own lunch, please do!
We're looking forward to serving our community with you!
Here's what the day will look like:
8:00-8:15 a.m.
Plan to arrive at Hope Church between 8-8:15 a.m. The church is centrally located at 77 West 11th Street in Holland (between River and Pine Avenues, just south of downtown Holland and west of Centennial Park).
Drop off your donations for Women's Resource Center just inside the door.
Check in at the Welcome Table, pay for breakfast (donation of $5.00), and buy your raffle tickets ($1 each, 6 for $5, or 14 for $10).
Draw your table number, which will also indicate your crew assignment.
Distribute your raffle tickets among the artwork donated by talented women and/or bid on the silent auction items.
Go to the table number you received and meet your crew and agency representative.
8:30 a.m.
Help yourself to the breakfast buffet and network with your crew while you wait for the raffle drawing results.
9:30 a.m.
Adjourn with your crew to your work site.
Remember to take along a crew assignment card from your table, as well as an apple and granola bar for a snack at your work site.
Plan to have lunch with your crew and wrap up by 3:00 p.m. However, feel free to stay at your work site as long as you desire.
Silent Auction and Raffle Information
Many talented women from West Michigan have donated their crafts for the silent auction and raffle. Proceeds will go to Holland Free Health Clinic. If you forget to buy your raffle tickets at the door, you can still buy them from a Women's Volunteer Day crew member during breakfast. Please bring check or cash for the raffle and silent auction, as we cannot accept credit cards.
Women's Resource Center Donations
We'll collect donation items for Women's Resource Center in Grand Rapids, which offers professional wardrobe advice and clothing to low-income women to help improve women's workplace and economic opportunities. Through the Working Women's Clothes Closet (WWCC), the Women's Resource Center provides a source of high quality clothing and accessories they need for job interviews or to reenter the workforce. See this earlier blog post for specifics about what they can use.
Contact Information
If you have a last-minute change in plans (sickness, business crisis, etc.) and are unable to participate--or just need directions--please contact the planning team by e-mailing womensserviceday (at) gmail (dot) com. See you October 1!